Disclosing the Components of a Mixture on a GHS Compliant SDS

OSHA requires that all hazardous components in excess of 1% be addressed on GHS compliant SDSs. Additionally, carcinogens in excess of 0.1% must be disclosed.

Fortunately, you do not have to disclose the exact percentages of mixture components. Instead, you can provide the composition information as a range of percentages, e.g. 5% – 10%.

According to OSHA, any chemical that could possibly cause any physical or health effect under expected conditions of use or reasonably anticipated conditions of misuse are hazardous.

A compound must be listed on your SDS if a component of the product is:

1. Listed to be a potential cancer hazard by one of the following agencies:NTP,IARC,OSHA,NIOSH, or theCAL/OSHA Program

2. Identified as a human reproductive toxin

3. Listed on theCalifornia Proposition 65 List

4. Present in concentrations greater than 1%

5. Required to be reported underSARA or theClean Air Act



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