Carbon Accounting

Carbon Accounting

Quantum Compliance’s Carbon Accounting service provides an essential tool for organizations aiming to understand, track, and manage their carbon footprint. This service helps businesses accurately measure their greenhouse gas emissions across various scopes, including direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy, and all other indirect emissions that occur in the value chain.

Our Key Features

Integrated Inventory Management

Facilitates collaborative input from enterprise inventory inspectors and suppliers within the system for efficient inventory operations.

Flexible Allocation Methods

Offers versatile data allocation for projects using five methods, including weight and economic output, ensuring tailored distribution strategies.

Comprehensive Coefficient Database

Access to an extensive database of national and international emission coefficients for accurate carbon footprint calculations.

Lifecycle Stage Adaptability

Adjusts inventory projects according to the B2B and B2C lifecycle stages of products or services, informed by professional consultancy.

Quantum Compliance’s approach combines advanced data collection methods with sophisticated analysis tools to offer precise and comprehensive carbon accounting. This enables organizations to identify key areas of high emissions, set realistic reduction targets, and develop effective strategies to achieve these goals.

The service also assists in reporting and compliance with environmental regulations, ensuring that businesses not only contribute to the fight against climate change but also adhere to evolving legal standards. Quantum Compliance’s Carbon Accounting is an invaluable asset for companies committed to sustainability, providing the insights and tools necessary to make meaningful progress in reducing their environmental impact.

Our Values

Supply Chain Insight

Provides a clear overview of carbon emissions across the supply chain, enhancing strategic decisions for carbon reduction.

Automated Reporting

Streamlines the reporting process with one-click generation of inventory and sensitivity analysis reports.

Cross-Industry Applicability

Boasts a rich database of coefficients applicable to a diverse range of industries for broad usability.

Global Warming Potential (GWP) Flexibility

Supports various GWP calculations, including AR4 and AR6, enabling precise impact assessments with simple conversions.
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Your Essential Carbon Accounting Service

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