July Issue No. 2 – The Domino Effect of Missed GHS Deadline
The Domino Effect of Missing GHS Deadlines
June 1st 2015 marked the GHS deadline for MSDSs to be converted to GHS compliant SDSs. Although the deadline has passed, many companies have yet to convert their current MSDS. In a memorandum published in February 2015, OSHA had stated that by showing “Good Faith” to meet this deadline, companies could avoid citations. This allowed many companies to put their conversion projects on hold.
What needs to be understood is by missing deadlines, the overall effect of GHS is delayed. Defining past deadlines and future deadlines will better show the “domino effect” of missing GHS deadlines.

The first GHS deadline was December 1st 2013, where employers were required to have trained their employees on the new SDS format and labels. As workers are the benefiters of the SDSs, their understanding is imperative to keep them safe. By missing this deadline, and not providing adequate training so employees understand, having a converted SDS would not improve safety in the workplace.
The most recently passed deadline, June 1st 2015, was the deadline for all MSDSs to be converted to GHS compliant SDSs. Missing this deadline has caused delays downstream in the supply chain. The next upcoming deadline is December 1st 2015 for distributors to no longer be able to ship out products with old labels. Manufacturers who missed the June 1st 2015 deadline will cause distributors to miss the December 1st 2015 deadline as a chain reaction.
GHS was developed by the United Nations to improve upon worker safety and standardize world wide how workers use hazardous chemicals. By missing deadlines, companies are denying their employees the benefits of GHS.
As the world is all connected in one way or another, we must all do our part to make it a safer place. To companies still using MSDSs, let’s work together in helping you protect your employees. Convert with Quantum today!
For Immediate Release
Quantum Compliance Helps 200+ Companies meet GHS Compliance
It is often said, “Change is the only constant.” 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of Quantum Compliance, and while many changes have occurred over the years another constant remains intact: Quantum’s commitment to their clients.
June 1st 2015 was the deadline for all MSDSs to be converted into the GHS compliant SDSs. Recognizing that many companies would need support performing the SDS conversions, Quantum had restructured its company strategy to focus on providing support to those in need. Utilizing software developed in house, Quantum was able to convert MSDSs with great accuracy and efficiency.
“The June 1st GHS deadline has passed and we are honored to have helped over 200 companies comply with new GHS regulations in the last 10 months. Since late 2014, we have converted over 5000 MSDSs to GHS compliant SDSs”, said Managing Director, Yiwei Chen.
“Helping our clients meet regulatory standards by providing innovative solutions to relieve pain points is innately rewarding. Every member of our team enjoys helping others. Even more so, we know the solutions we provide allow our clients to more easily comply with safety regulations. We’d like to thank our clients for placing their trust in us and allowing us to help them make the professional world a safer place to work in.”
In an industry where new safety rules and regulation are continuously being updated, keeping up with the changes is no easy task, but critical to compliance success. Quantum has a team of experts that focuses primarily on regulatory updates. Their website, usequantum.com, has a wealth of information from downloadable guides and infographics, to blog articles on recent industry trends and events.
Recently selected a winner of Corp! Economic Bright Spots Award, an award program for small companies, Quantum is poised to release a new software product in 2015.
“Small businesses are essentially the backbone of our economy. As a small business ourselves, we understand the challenges faced within our sector in EHS management”, said CEO Jimmy Hsiao. “Our goal for 2015 is to launch a safety management software that is a big-company product at a small-company price.”
Although change is imperative to remain relevant, Quantum’s commitment to its clients will never waiver. Keep Quantum in mind as many exciting developments are in motion, as the company strives to continue providing the most cutting edge EHS software solutions!