Safety Software Linked to Plant Safety

Quantum EHS Management Software screenshot on Computer

Quantum EHS Management Software screenshot on ComputerWithin any individual company, specific technologies and machinery will help maintain safety. These vary from industry to industry and from company to company, however; no one recommendation about machinery can apply to meeting safety standards nationwide. Safety software, on the other hand, is universally beneficial to manufacturers.

“The incorporation of app-based safety tracking programs appears poised to have a major impact on how we track safety and compliance in plant and facility environments,” said Brad Montgomery, marketing and communications director for Brooksville, FL-based Accuform Signs.

Safety softwares like Quantum’s allow your company to manage records, safety training, and track hazards from one easy-to-use program. Quantum’s Health & Safety Web Application (QSafety) provides key tools for maintaining records, compiling data, generating federal and state safety reports, health reports and potential exposure risk reports. Additionally, the suite monitors the subsequent costs and activities for evaluating trends and tracking metrics to make well-informed business decisions.

Having access to all of this information in one place is incredibly helpful for maintaining safe workspaces. Looking up hazard information quickly and being able to check if an employee has been properly trained before they begin a potentially dangerous new task saves time and boosts safety.

Using safety software efficiently and well also allows OSHA inspections to pass by much more quickly, because excellent softwares like Quantum’s provide quick report-generating tools that you can use to give an inspector a full record of safety procedures without having to do any extra work beyond logging information as it comes in. Safety software is also helpful for reducing potential OSHA fines and making inspections painless in other key ways, including the fact that keeping regular records through it forces you to address hazardous conditions as they arise rather than waiting for an inspector to discover them.

If you’re not using safety software, you aren’t making your workspace as safe and compliant as possible. For more information on improving workplace safety and health, please visit here.


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